Please Visit Our Medina and North Olmsted Showrooms
Dear Visitors, we are happy to welcome you at our SG Home Interiors Blog. Please visit our website at for more information about our product and services. We look forward to meeting you!!!
Your opinion about latest increase in demand for granite?
SGHI is happy to offer free edges to all customers on any granite project. Now Flat Edge, Bevel Edge and Top Round Edge are absolutelly free of charge. This is a huge savings on the cost of the project. All edge profiles are available on our website
SGHI is intriducing new granite colors. Some pictures are below. Prices are as low as possiblyl can be. Get ready to update this spring and invest money in your homes!
New colors are Butterfly, New Venecian, Kashmire Gold, Coffee Brown, Steel Gray, Colonial Gold etc. Please visit our website for more information and color selection!